Ode to Noodle Soup

For sniffles and snuffles
Here's the straight poop
There's no better tonic
Than hot noodle soup

Try apples, you’re thinking
Or nice canteloop
No no, that won’t do it
Just hot noodle soup

I know you’d like liquor
Imbibed on the stoop
But don’t let that blind you
To hot noodle soup

The brain cells are mushy
You might have the croup
No matter. There’s nothing
Like hot noodle soup

Away, I could sail now
Aboard my own sloop
If only my first mate
Was hot noodle soup

This isn’t their problem
That helpful friend group
But blessed are they who
Bring hot noodle soup

I’d like to perk up now
I do hate to droop
I know! I will find me
Some hot noodle soup!

The dreams are subsiding
Now there’s a big whoop
The rantings are waning
Thank you, noodle soup


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